Tencia User Guide
and Manuals

Only Archer Technology Group has gone to the effort of producing its own Tencia user guide and manuals. And we want you to have the first one, “Introduction to Tencia”, for free. We feel that to get real value from your Accounting Software you need to be able to use it to its full potential.

We understand that it is important for our clients to be familiar with their new software.

That’s why we have created our own Tencia user guide and manuals for all our clients.

No obligation, no stitch-up, just a simple sign up to our newsletter. No pressure, no foot in the door and certainly no spam.

Your user guide will give you 17 pages of details on Tencia that you cannot find printed anywhere else.

Nothing to lose, everything to gain.

Just click on the image, enjoy the contents and if you want to read more, fill in the form and press SEND.

tencia user guide and manuals

Your free user guide will be sent to you shortly after.

You can also check out our informative and short training videos by clicking HERE